
About Guruji Shivathma

GURUJI SHIVATHMA was born in a poverty stricken family in the year 1962 at Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. In his childhood days to get one square meal a day was a big dream and he had to toil very much as a child laborer besides pursuing his studies regularly with dedication. In spite of the poverty and hunger he was always sharp and brilliant academically and in other extracurricular activities. Even from his childhood his mind was always with the downtrodden who could not afford one single meal for a day. He understood the predicament of hungry souls and he realized well that any hungry soul would stoop to any level to fill their hungry stomachs; even to indulge in stealing and begging. Even at this tender age he firmly resolved in his heart that he would eradicate poverty and hunger from the economically deprived people especially children and women.
In his boyhood he joined with a social organization called “ARIVOLI” and worked with zeal and dedication for the education of the economically deprived people. For this noble service he was honoured by the then COLLECTOR OF COIMBATORE with the title “ARIVOLI SIVA”. After finishing his B.Com, degree and Diploma in Siddha Medicine (DSM), he became a successful SIDDHA MEDICAL PRACTIONER. Since he had been nourishing the idea of starting a home for the Destitute Children, Espc for destitute Girl Child, with the meager amount he could save and the sale his Family proceedings of his ancestral property, he bought 8.68 Acres of land at Nallagoundanpalayam (which is 30k.m away from Coimbatore) AND STARTED THE HOME-with his dream project in the year 2000. The main aim of this Home, UNIVERSAL PEACE FOUNDATION, is to provide free Food, Cloth, Accommodation, Education and Medical assistance to above mentioned inmates and the children regardless of their Status, age and background and also provide vocational training and empower them.
All the inmates housed in our home UNIVERSAL PEACE FOUNDATION are in the age groups of 6 to 92 years and they are all in the various category of Orphan/Semi orphan/Destitute/Poor status. They are given utmost care right from the date of their admission. They are all being imparted FREE VOCATIONAL TRAINING like Tailoring, Computer class, Bharatha naatiyam class, Cooking, Driving, Cow Farm, Horticulture and etc. Universal Peace Foundation, “A HOME FOR THE DESTITUTE CHILDREN, ADULT STUDENT (AFTER CARE HOME) WOMEN/WIDOW, SENIOR CITIZEN AND PERSON WITH DISABILITY” was founded in the year 2003 by shri.A.Sivasubramaniam. He is also very much known by the public as GURUJI SHIVATHMA for his Social service and Spiritual excellence.

Social Services

Natural Service

Spiritual Service

Educational Service

Cow Shala Service

Medical Service

A little about Universal Peace Foundation

Universal Peace Foundation is a laudable trust in the field of humanitarian service over a decade. It continuously aims at establishing a peaceful society based on egalitarian values in the Indian cultural context. Free orphanage home for destitute children, women, old age, widow and physically challenged & mentally retardation. Its Non- Profitable Public Charitable Indian Trust and Funded by Guruji Shivathma. What one can realize about Universal Peace Foundation is a heaven for the starving illiterate children, differently abled unfortunate souls, uncared aged kith and kins and undignified destitute souls.